


Undergraduate Admission

A student should have at least Second Division or minimum GPA 2.50 in both SSC & HSC examinations or a minimum GPA of 2.00 in SSC or in HSC, combined total being not lower than 6.00.

A student must have at least 5 subjects in O level and 2 subjects in A Level (Must have B or GPA 4 in 4 subjects and C or GPA 3.5 in 3 subjects) in the scale of A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1.

Diploma holders are eligible to take admission in EEE, CSE, Microbiology, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology {Course waiver allowed for Diploma holders for admission in B.Sc. programs}

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Graduate Admission

Comming Soon..

Graduate Admissions
Due to CORONA VIRUS (COVID19) outbreak in the country, Dr. Momtaz Begum University of Science & Technology (proposed) has taken an initiative to admit students in both undergraduate and graduate programs. Prospective candidates are allowed through online admission process.
  • Download and fill up the admission form: Download Application Form
  • See admission fees from the link Admission Fees and Pay admission fees by download following bank slip copy Download Blank Slip
    Bkash Account No:
  • After the admission form is filled up with bank payment slip, send it to the email admission@shust.edu.bd
  • Soon you will be notified by the admission office.
  • Admission Fees for Local Students of Tk. 12,000.00 for one time (not refundable).
  • Admission Fees for International Students of Tk. 20,000.00 for one time (not refundable).
  • If you agree for admission at SHUST, please buy an Admission Form by deposit of Tk. 500.00 and submit this form after filled up with Educational all Certificates and Transcripts, Photographs, NID/Birth Certificates.
Program Total Semester Total Credit Admission Fees (One Time) Registration Fees (Per Semester) Per Credit Fees Lab Fees (Per Semester) Total Fees
B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) 8 151 15,000.00 5,000.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 3,50,800.00
B.Sc. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) 8 160 15,000.00 5,000.00 1,800.00 2,000.00 3,59,000.00
B.Sc. in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 8 146.5 15,000.00 5,000.00 1,800.00 4,000.00 3,50,700.00
B.Sc. in Food & Nutrition Science 8 150 15,000.00 5,000.00 1,800.00 3,500.00 3,53,000.00
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) 8 143 15,000.00 5,000.00 1,700.00 -- 2,98,100.00
* Professional Pre-Registration fees & relevant charges of Tk. 10,000.00 only for Pharmacy Students.
Credit Transfer Policy
  • A student may transfer a maximum of 40% credits earned at previously attended colleges and universities toward SHUST degrees.
  • The course contents of the transferred credit courses must be similar with SHUST syllabuses maximum 75%.
  • Transferred credit is allowed only from similar degree or program.
  • Short or professional training courses are not allowed as credit transfer in the SHUST.
  • Original Transcript from previously attended institutions must be submitted.
  • After verification of submitted Original Transcripts, Admission will be confirmed at SHUST.
  • Only credits on which a student has earned the grade C or above will be transferable to the SHUST.
  • For purposes of transferring credits, Director of Institute or Head of the Department will determine equivalence of courses or may also refer cases to the Equivalence Committee if needed.
  • Transferred credits and grades are not included in calculating in the SHUST certificates and transcripts where earned degree completed.
  • Transferred credits and grades will be showed in the transcripts as separately.
The Dr. Momtaz Begum University of Science & Technology (proposed) student code of conduct has been formulated with goal of upholding standard mission of smooth disciplinary activities. It is responsibility of the Dr. Momtaz Begum University of Science & Technology (proposed) to prepare the “Students Code of Conduct” available to all members to the University community such that in case of violations and subsequent convening of the “Disciplinary Committee” (which is formed by the direction of the UGC) measures and procedures may clear to all parties concern. The violations of code of conduct shall invoke disciplinary process as prescribed in this document. Sanction will be commensurate with the seriousness of the offence and may include suspension or extreme, expulsion from the university. Reported offences justify increasingly severe sanction.

There shall be a Code of Conduct for the Students of the Dr. Momtaz Begum University of Science & Technology (proposed) consisting of offences. It includes:
  • Entering the University premise without Identity Cards.
  • Smoking inside the University premises.
  • Playing cards.
  • Writing, drawing or painting on any university property.
  • Conduct and attire that is lewd, indecent, or obscene.
  • Cheating in the Exam
  • Disorderly conduct, including obstructive and disruptive behavior that interferes with teaching, research, administration, or other university or university-authorized activity.
  • Failure to comply with the directions of authorized university officials in the performance of their duties, including failure to identify oneself when requested to do so; failure to comply with the terms of a disciplinary sanction; or refusal to vacate a university facility when directed to do so.
  • Unauthorized entry, use, or occupancy of university facilities;
  • Interfere with an individual’s personal safety, academic efforts, employment or participation in university-sponsored activities and that under the circumstances causes the person to have a reasonable apprehension that such harm is about to occur; or
  • Injure that person, or damage his or her property; or
  • “Fighting words” that are spoken face-to-face as a personal insult to the listener or listeners in personally abusive language inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction by the listener or listeners to the speaker.
  • Intentionally obstructing or blocking access to university facilities, property, or programs.
  • Engagement, solicitation, initiation, encouragement, abetment, organization, facilitation, provocation of any sort of political activity inside and in the adjacent area of the university premises.
  • Dishonest conduct including, but not limited to, false accusation of misconduct, forgery, alteration, or misuse of any university document, record, or identification; and giving to a university official information known to be false.
  • Assuming another person’s identity or role through deception or without proper authorization. Communicating or acting under the guise, name, identification, e-mail address, signature, or other indications of another person or group without proper authorization or authority.
  • Knowingly initiating, transmitting, filing, or circulating a false report or warning concerning an impending bombing, fire, or other emergency or catastrophe; or transmitting such a report to an official or an official agency.
  • Unauthorized release or use of any university access codes for computer systems, duplicating systems, and other university equipment.
  • Actions that endanger one’s self, others in the university community, or the academic process.
  • Unauthorized taking, possession, or use of university property or services or the property or services of others.
  • Damage to or destruction of university property or the property belonging to others.
  • Unauthorized setting of fires on university property; unauthorized use of or interference with fire equipment and emergency personnel.
  • Unauthorized possession, use, manufacture, distribution, or sale of illegal fireworks, incendiary devices, weapon or other dangerous explosives, drugs.
  • Acting with violence.
  • Aiding, encouraging, or participating in a riot.
  • Harassment
  • Stalking or hazing of any kind whether the behavior is carried out verbally, physically, electronically, or in written form.
    Stalking is defined as repeated, unwanted contact in the forms of, including but not limited to, phone calls, e-mail, physical presence, and regular mail.
    Hazing is defined as any conducts that subjects another person, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychologically, to anything that may endanger, abuse, degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of association with a group or organization, regardless of the person’s consent or lack of consent.
  • Physical abuse of any person, including the following:
  • The use of physical force or violence to restrict the freedom of action or movement of another person or to endanger the health or safety of another person;
  • Physical behavior that involves an express or implied threat to interfere with an individual’s personal safety, academic efforts, employment, or participation in university-sponsored extracurricular activities or causes the person to have a reasonable apprehension that such harm is about to occur; or
  • Physical behavior that has the purpose or reasonably foreseeable effect of interfering with an individual’s personal safety, academic efforts, employment, or participation in university-sponsored extracurricular activities or causes the person to have a reasonable apprehension that such harm is about to occur;
    Sexual assault, including while any party involved is in an impaired state;
    Sexual contact with another person without consent, including while any party involved is in an impaired state.
  • Gambling or any other game or any other activity with the element of betting.
  • Violation of other disseminated university regulations, policies, or rules.
  • A violation of any criminal law.
  • Engaging in or encouraging any behavior or activity that threatens or intimidates any potential participant in a judicial process.
  • Possession and distribution of unauthorized printed materials inimical to public interest.
  • Membership in political subversive organization.
Academic Advising-
A group of new or old students is assigned an academic advisor at the beginning of the university. The academic advisor assists the students in defining educational goals to be reached; provides information regarding curricula, courses, careers, and graduate programs; and discusses personal problems the student may have, especially those related to the student's academic progress and plans for subsequent pursuits. Students are expected to schedule appointments with their advisors before pre-registration and at other times throughout the semester as needed. Students will be billed as they advise courses each semester. If a student decides not to continue a semester after advising, he/she should apply for withdrawal within the last day of registration of the same semester. Otherwise, she/he will be billed for the advised courses. Students must inform their advisors of any special needs or deficiencies, which might affect academic performance, or selection of courses. Students are expected to know academic policies, procedures, and degree requirements and to remain informed about their progress in meeting these requirements. Students are encouraged to seek assistance as needed from the advisor and student support services provided by the University.
Academic Calendar-
Dr. Momtaz Begum University of Science & Technology (proposed) offers bi (two) semesters system in each academic year.
Spring Semester: Begins from 1st week of January and Continues for 26 weeks. Summer Semester: Begins from 1st week of July and Continues for 26 weeks. Class Duration: 20 weeks, Examination Duration: 6 weeks
Adding and Dropping Courses-
Students who seek to add or drop a course are recommended to do so but they should confer with their advisor first. The last day for dropping a course without a record entry (i.e.) is the end of the 4th week of the semester start. The instructor may drop students from a course after 6th weeks of the semester if the latter have neither attended any of the scheduled class meetings nor notified the instructor of their intent to drop the course. For purposes of this procedure, registration and payment of tuition for a course does not constitute sufficient notification of intent to take a course. With the permission of the academic advisor, students may add a course, by re-advising, during the second weeks of the semester if space is available.
Academic Honesty-
Any means of unauthorized assistance in preparing materials which a student submits as original work is deemed to be cheating and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. Instructors are expected to use reasonably practical means of preventing and detecting cheating. Any student judged to have engaged in cheating might receive a reduced grade for the work in question, a failing grade in the course, or such other lesser penalty, as the instructor deems appropriate. Serious instances may be referred to the Disciplinary Committee in the Office of the Vice Chancellor.
Academic Probation-
Students with a GPA of less than 2.00 in the undergraduate programs are placed on probation. Students on probation are allowed a maximum of three semesters to raise their GPA to 2.00. Students who fail to achieve a GPA of 2.00 within three semesters are dismissed from the University. Students with a GPA of less than 2.50 in the graduate programs are placed on probation. Students on probation are allowed a maximum of three semesters to raise their GPA to 2.50. Students who fail to achieve a GPA of 2.50 within three semesters are dismissed from the University.
Application for Degrees-
Candidates must file an application for Graduation with their respective departments before the registration of Final Semester. Candidates must also fill up a prescribed form with all courses information which is available at the respective departments.
Change of Degree Program-
Students seeking to change their degree program must submit a written application to the Head of the Department. Upon recommendation of the Head of the Academic Department to which the student intends to change, the Office of the Registrar shall make the necessary changes to a student's record. Careful consideration of program/major changes should be undertaken by students who are in their junior or senior years, as requirements for the new major may require additional credits and extend the time for completion of their degree.
Class Attendance-
A student is expected to attend 75% class meetings in a course. It is the responsibility of the instructor to inform the student of the consequences of absence from class. It is the responsibility of the student to keep instructors informed regarding absences from classes. A student who knows of necessary class absences should consult instructors in advance. A student who misses a class is not excused from obligations to instructors. Instructors will determine the manner in which assignments and exams missed may be made up. A student may be dropped from a course for 50% absence in three consecutive classes.
Code of Conduct-
SHUST strives to maintain a healthy academic atmosphere on its campus. The students are expected to do their part in achieving this goal by attending classes regularly, making appropriate use of all campus resources in a way as to enhance their academic achievements, maintaining discipline, keeping the campus clean and being good neighbors and models of good citizenship. Copies of the SHUST Students Code of Conduct are available at the Proctor’s Office.
Course Load-
Each month there will be assignments, homework and exams. In addition, the faculty will hold help sessions and/or tutorials, thus raising contact hours to twenty. Students will have access to the Computer Lab to prepare their papers and other assignments under supervision for up to 30 hours each week. Students will be allowed minimum courses in a semester which is support his/her financial, but not less than 12 credits in a semester. As per the concerned curriculum, overload is not allowed for the students. Course Registration-
Students are responsible for fulfilling all requirements of the degree program in which they are admitted. They should consult with their advisors in planning their course schedule and be familiar with SHUST policies and procedures related to registration for courses and graduation requirements. No registration is complete until paid of scheduled tuition and other fees, the registration form is returned to the Registrar’s Office.
Credit Transfer-
  • 1. A student may transfer a maximum of 40% credits earned at previously attended colleges and universities toward SHUST degrees.
  • 2. The course contents of the transferred credit courses must be similar with SHUST syllabuses maximum 75%.
  • 3. Transferred credit is allowed only from similar degree or program.
  • 4. Short or professional training courses are not allowed as credit transfer in the SHUST.
  • 5. Original Transcript from previously attended institutions must be submitted.
  • 6. After verification of submitted Original Transcripts, Admission will be confirmed at SHUST.
  • 7. Only credits on which a student has earned the grade C or above will be transferable to the SHUST.
  • 8. For purposes of transferring credits, Director of Institute or Head of the Department will determine equivalence of courses or may also refer cases to the Equivalence Committee if needed.
  • 9. Transferred credits and grades are not included in calculating in the SHUST certificates and transcripts where earned degree completed.
  • 10. Transferred credits and grades will be showed in the transcripts as separately.

Disciplinary Committee-
Faculty, students, and staff may invoke the Disciplinary Committee (which is formed by the direction of the UGC) in the Office of the Vice Chancellor by a written report of an offense or grievance. The Disciplinary Committee will act independently to ascertain facts. Consequent to the findings of the Disciplinary Committee, existing SHUST rules and policies will be enforced. The Disciplinary Committee will not change or modify SHUST rules and policies.
Degree Completion Deadline & Requirements-
As per the Bangladesh National Qualifications Framework (BNQF)-2021, a 4 years undergraduate student must earned his/her Bachelor degree within 7 (seven) years after admission, a 5 years undergraduate students must earned his/her Bachelor degree within 8 (eight) years after admission and a graduate students must earned his/her Master degree within 3 (three) years after admission. In this perspective, SHUST made required credit Outcome Based Education (OBE) Curriculum for concerned program as per the minimum requirement of the degree by following the instructions of BNQF.
Duration of Internship-
For fulfilling degree requirements, students should be interned in organizations ideally for 20 to 22 weeks allowing 4 more weeks for writing reports.
Internship Requirement-
It is preferred that students registering for internship should have completed all course works. Students must complete at least 100% courses or credits (without internship credit) before going to internship. Students will be allowed only 1 (one) course (credit 3 or 4) during internship as special permission from the concerned department. The Chairman of Academic Council may authorize exceptions to these rules.
Midterm & Final Examinations-
Midterm and Final Examination period is scheduled at the middle and end of each semester. The Controller of Examinations Office is assigned section of each course an examination time and place during the final examination period as per the decision of the Central Examinations Committee of the SHUST.
Late Registration-
Students must register for courses during scheduled registration period. A student who seeks to register after the first day of classes in a semester must obtain permission from the departmental head. Those students who are given permission to register in late, he/she must pay a late registration fee of Tk. 500.00 (five hundred) only.
Medium of Instruction-
English is the medium of instruction of the SHUST. Since many students come from the Bengali medium, the University offers remedial courses to increase their proficiency in English. The number of remedial courses a student is required to take is determined on the basis of the English Placement Tests. SHUST strictly requires the student to pass the English remedial courses before taking other courses.
SHUST students who are in good academic standing or not or absent, but do not register for two consecutive semesters without notice or permission from concerned authorities, he/she must submit an application for readmission at the SHUST. When such students have attended other colleges and universities during their absence from SHUST, they must submit official transcripts along with their application. A 50% of admission fees are assessed for students who apply for readmission.
Readmission from Academic Dismissal-
SHUST students who have been dismissed from the University may apply for readmission after two academic years from the day of dismissal (if he/she had not dismissed for lifelong). Such applications should include documented evidence that the petitioners have taken steps to improve their academic performance such as further studies at academic or other institutions or taken employment providing them experience and responsibilities which have enhanced their ability to undertake academic endeavors. The University will provide academic counseling during this period if requested.
Responsibility to Know and Comply-
Students are held individually responsible for the information contained in the SHUST Catalog. Failure to read and comply with University regulations will not exempt students from whatever penalties they may incur.
Retake Examination-
The Retake Examination has been amended as follows:
  • 1. A student may retake a course/s if the grade is I (Incomplete) and F (Fail).
  • 2. The chance will be given only two times for a course.
  • 3. The best grade will be counted for CGPA calculation.
  • 4. The above policy will be applicable to all students studying in graduate/ undergraduate programs.

Improvement Examination-
Students will be allowed for improvement examination if he/she will get grade D, C, C+ B- and B in a course. Students will be permitted for improvement examination in a course for 2 times. If students will get same & lower grade from previous grade, then he/she will permitted for 2nd time improvement examinations in a course otherwise not permissible.
Right to Change Rules-
The University reserves the right to modify or change requirements, rules, and fees. Such regulations shall go into force whenever the proper authorities may determine.
Right to Dismiss Students-
The right is reserved by SHUST to dismiss or exclude any student from the University, or from any class or classes, whenever, in the interest of the student or the University, the university administration deems it advisable.
Student Identification Cards-
All students receive photo identification cards (Student ID Card) with their student ID numbers. These cards are used for various purposes such as entering campus, attending classes, and using the library laboratory and computer services.
Withdrawal from the University-
A student who wishes to withdraw from the University for one more semester (dropping all courses for the semesters) must do so by contacting the Office of the Registrar with recommendation by the concerned Head of the Department. Withdrawals will not be authorized after the midterm of the semester except in the case of verifiable non-academic hardships if approved by the Head of the concerned Department. A statement will be entered on the withdrawing student's academic record reflecting the official withdrawal. Grades of F will be recorded for students who abandon their courses without officially withdrawing for the semester or from the University.
The University Authority has planned primarily to establish a Resident Hall for the Male Students on the 4th floor South side of the Existing Building at Banshgari, Bhairab, Kishoreganj. Currently, there are 14 (fourteen) rooms. 10 rooms for Male Students Resident Hall, 1 room for Hall Provost residence & office, 1 room for Students Dinning & Kitchen room, 1 room for games & recreation and 1 room will be used as Prayer room of the SHUST Students.

In future more, separate halls will be constructed both for male and female students in the Campus. The University will, in course of time, be a fully residential one. A student, who does not reside in a Hall of the University, shall be called a Day Scholar. A day scholar shall reside with his parents or legal guardian or with a person authorized by the parents or legal guardian.
The following rules and regulations unless otherwise repugnant with any other rule or law in force will be imposed for all resident male and female students of the SHUST.
Hall Administration
Halls are led by Provosts. There are House Tutors and Administrative Assistants in the Halls. Hall Provost and House tutors are committed to look after the students within the framework of University Rules and Regulations. Further they are also required to organize various student activities in halls such as observing and arranging the National & International days, sports and cultural programs.
Provosts, House Tutors, Administrative Assistants and other Officials at Halls shall be appointed by Honorable Vice-Chancellor on the recommendations of Hall Management Committee (HMC). Hall Management Committee shall supervise all the activities in the Halls.
Hall Management Committee (HMC) consists of the following members:
  • 1. Vice-Chancellor/Pro-Vice Chancellor - Chairman
  • 2. Registrar/Deputy Registrar - Member
  • 3. Director of Student Affairs - Member
  • 4. All Provosts of Halls - Member
  • 5. All House Tutors of Halls - Member
Regulations Regarding Hall Management and Resident Students
1. No outsider is allowed to enter into or stay in the room of a resident except the resident himself. An officer or employee of the University other than the University’s senior executives, who wishes to enter any room of the hall, should obtain the prior permission of the hall Provost.
2. Every resident student must use the hall premises carefully and should not cause any damage or any harm to any part of the area or building or prevent other residents from using the common facilities of the hall.
3. Any resident, who on purpose damages any part of the building or hall properties, will be liable to pay the cost of repair or replacement. Apart from that, the hall Provost may charge him/her with applicable disciplinary offences by the HMC of the SHUST.
4. Every resident is responsible for keeping the safety of the hall and maintaining the healthy environment in and around the hall premises.
5. The resident is responsible for any item missing or damaged in his room. The hall authority will not bear the loss of any item damaged or lost. Any loss or damage must be reported to the hall Provost forthwith.
6. The door of the room must be kept under lock and key while resident goes outside his room and he should return the keys of the room to the hall authority before leaving the hall during a vacation.
7. While leaving the room, resident should ensure that the switches of the lights, fans and other electrical items are off.
8. In case of any emergency or accident the resident must report to the hall authority immediately and hall authority call the police force as well if necessary.
9. The managerial duty will be imposed on each and every student by rotation. None will be exempted from this responsibility.
10. If any student intends to hear Mobile Phone / Cassette / CD player, he has to use headphone so as not to disturb other students.
11. Objectionable Songs, music, dances, films are prohibited to watch on computer screen.
12. No objectionable photograph will be allowed to be hung in the room or hall premises.
13. Any resident is not allowed to make changes or exchange of any room with other residents without the prior permission of the hall authority.
14. No resident is permitted to allow any guest to live in his room and receive the members of his family in his room. Any visit to a resident should strictly be limited in the guestroom. No guest will be allowed without prior permission of hall authority.
15. No one is allowed to paste any poster or to put a nail into the wall or to make any scratch on the wall. If he needs to put a calendar, routine, schedule, etc. he should arrange for that by using the drilling machine after taking prior permission from the authority.
16. No resident is allowed to shift the furniture of the hall from one room to the other without the permission of the hall authority.
17. All residents should dispose of the rubbish and filth in the garbage bin kept exclusively for the purpose.
18. All residents regardless of faith & religion must strive for keeping up ideals of morality, politeness, humanity and piety.
19. Playing cards or killing time in any other kind of meaningless play, which is contrary to teachings of religion and hanging any kind of notice, is completely prohibited.
20. A resident should not cause any inconvenience to the other fellows in his room. As such he is not allowed to make any noise or to study loudly or to continue his study after midnight. If he is in urgent need to continue his study after midnight, he has to make sure that the light of his lamp is limited to his study table only.
21. Residents are strictly prohibited from making any noise within the hall premises.
22. No one is allowed to listen to any immoral song or hard rock within his room or elsewhere in the hall premises.
23. Smoking within the hall premises is strictly prohibited.
24. The use of TV should strictly be limited to news broadcasts, educational & documentary programs and it will be closed at sharp 11.00 p.m.
25. No male & female resident is allowed to be absent from the hall after 10.00 p.m. & 7.00 p.m. respectively except with a prior permission from the hall authority and for a legitimate reason which is acceptable to the authority.
26. No one is allowed to continue any games or sports activities during the prayer time.
27. The residents are also required to participate actively and regularly in the co-curricular and extracurricular activity scheduled by the University. Attendance in every program under the management of hall authority is mandatory.
28. The residents of the hall are also required to dress themselves properly and decently which is not contrary to the spirit of religion and dignity.
29. The hall authority expects all sorts of cooperation from all residents to uphold the smooth administration and maintain the healthy environment in the hall.
30. Any kind of politics are strictly prohibited in the hall premises.
31. The residents must be collected a payment clearance from the hall authority for sits any examinations of the SHUST otherwise not allowed to sits for examinations.
32. The resident if fill or suffering a serious sickness or disease must be informed immediately to the hall authority.
33. The residents are not allowed one-night stay in outside (absence in hall) of the hall premises without prior permission of the hall authority. Disciplinary action will be taken by the HMC for absent in hall. If needed HMC recommended to the University Disciplinary Committee for final decision. 34. The residents if not sick will not allow absenting from the classes without permission of the Hall Provost or Departmental Chairman or concerned subject teachers.
Non-Resident Bangladeshi Scholars: Contributions and Opportunities in Establishing a STEM University in Bangladesh
The establishment of a world-renowned STEM university in Bangladesh requires not only significant investment and strategic planning but also the infusion of expertise and leadership from accomplished academicians. Bangladesh has a wealth of scholars who have established commendable careers abroad and are actively contributing to global human resource development. Engaging these non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) scholars in the establishment of the Dr. Momtaz Begum University of Science and Technology (MUST) is a strategic move aimed at harnessing their global experiences and insights to foster an internationally competitive educational environment.
Contribution of NRB Scholars
NRB scholars possess extensive expertise and international exposure that make them invaluable to the development of a pioneering STEM university in Bangladesh. Their contributions can be multifaceted, ranging from curriculum development to research leadership, and from establishing global partnerships to enhancing the institution’s research capabilities. By involving them, MUST can leverage their diverse experiences in:

  • Curriculum Design: NRB scholars can help design a curriculum that meets international standards, incorporating advanced STEM education methodologies and focusing on emerging technologies.
  • Research and Innovation: With their involvement in cutting-edge research, NRB scholars can initiate and lead research projects, fostering an innovation-centric atmosphere at MUST. They can also help in setting up state-of-the-art laboratories and research centers.
  • Faculty Development: NRB scholars can conduct workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance the capabilities of the resident faculty, ensuring that teaching methods are up-to-date and globally competitive.
  • Global Networking: Utilizing their international contacts, NRB scholars can facilitate partnerships with other leading universities and research institutions, creating opportunities for collaboration and exchange programs.
  • Funding and Resources: They can assist in attracting funding from international grant bodies, alumni, and global philanthropic entities interested in supporting educational and technological advancements in developing countries.
Opportunities for NRB Scholars
Engaging with MUST offers NRB scholars a platform to give back to their home country in a meaningful way. It provides them with the opportunity to:

  • Play a crucial role in shaping the future of higher education in Bangladesh.
  • Contribute to the socio-economic development of their homeland by elevating the quality of education and research.
  • Establish a legacy of educational excellence and social responsibility in Bangladesh.
To effectively tap into the potential of NRB scholars, MUST is organized a webinar title Non-Resident Bangladeshi Scholars: Contributions and Opportunities in Establishing MUST as World Ranking STEM University in Bangladesh on 27th May 2024, aimed at exploring practical ways through which these experts can contribute to the university’s mission.

The webinar discussion was focus on understanding the diverse roles NRB scholars can play in making MUST a beacon of technological advancement, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. This initiative is a step towards transforming the landscape of higher education in Bangladesh, making it inclusive, innovative, and globally competitive.

The outcome of this webinar considered as basis to develop a Roadmap for an Innovative STEM Education (RISE) to establish MUST in the world ranking STEM university.

Roadmap for an Innovative STEM Education (RISE)
The idea of RISE is the outcome of 27th May webinar, where Professor Dr Saifur Rahman, President of (IEEE) proposed RISE roadmap to establish MUST university. Dr Rahman views on the MUST will ‘rise’ from a small village in Bangladesh to become a prominent global institution in due time. Here the word ‘Education’ includes ‘Teaching’, ‘Research’ and ‘Training’. If one goes to any world-class university like Oxford, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Tsinghua, etc. one will find this model of education in practice.

Dr Rahman elaboration about Teaching implies knowledge transfer on the part of the teacher and knowledge absorption on the part of the student, which inspires creative thinking. Research is the tool for discovery which brings the teacher and the student together to expand the frontier of knowledge. Training imparts the necessary skills to the student so he/she can be a productive employee upon graduation.

As a part of the MUST strategy, we will discuss how we can bring visiting researchers to spend time with the MUST faculty and invite engineers from industry to the classroom to share what they do and how they do it.

Innovation in the curriculum design will come from emphasizing the need for humanities (including history) to provide a strong foundation for STEM education. If we can instill a pride (of being a Bangladeshi) in the young minds, they will be more motivated to work hard to achieve success. We have plenty of examples in last hundred and fifty years or so, where we can find many shining stars in literature, science and mathematics who lived and worked in what is now Bangladesh. Some of us may know that Quantum Statistics was invented by a professor of Physics (Prof. Satyendra Nath Bose) at Dhaka University in 1925. Quantum Statistics is the foundation of Quantum Computing which we hear so much about these days.

Based on Professor Rahman above elaboration about RISE, the following item needs to be discuss broadly in the RISE strategy.

  • Strategy about Teaching
  • Strategy about research
  • Strategy about Training
Under these three pillars the following core items e.g Innovation in the curriculum design, faculty recruitment, and design the research lab and funding strategies also need to be discussed broadly.

The RISE strategy is under preparation and will be share it soon.