
Faculty Members

  • Faculty Member

    Dr. Akim M. Rahman

    Ph.D. OSU, USA

    Associate Professor & Dean

    Department of Business Administration
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  • Faculty Member

    Md. Abdur Rashid

    Ph.D. Fellow, Rajshahi University

    Associate Professor

    Department of Business Administration
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  • Faculty Member

    Nilufar Yeasmin Lima


    Department of Business Administration
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  • Faculty Member

    Md. Ashek-Al-Aziz

    ME in CSE, BUET

    Associate Professor & Dean

    Faculty of Engineering
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  • Faculty Member

    Md. Ashraful Alam

    ME in CSE, China

    Assistant Professor

    Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
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  • Faculty Member

    Afroza Sultana

    Ph.D. Fellow

    Assistant Professor

    Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
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  • Faculty Member

    Md. Ashek-Al-Aziz

    ME in CSE, BUET

    Associate Professor & Dean

    Faculty of Engineering
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  • Faculty Member

    Md. Ashraful Alam

    ME in CSE, China

    Assistant Professor & Chairman

    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
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  • Faculty Member

    Sumana Haque

    Senior Lecturer

    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
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  • Faculty Member

    Prof. Dr. A F M Nazmus Sadat


    Faculty of Science
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  • Faculty Member

    Md. Abdullah As Sad

    Assistant Professor & Chairman

    Department of Food & Nutrition Science (FNS)
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  • Faculty Member

    Marium Sultana


    Department of Food & Nutrition Science (FNS)
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  • Faculty Member

    Prof. Dr. A F M Nazmus Sadat


    Faculty of Science
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  • Faculty Member

    Md. Abdullah As Sad

    Assistant Professor & Chairman

    Department of Food & Nutrition Science (FNS)
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  • Faculty Member

    Marium Sultana


    Department of Food & Nutrition Science (FNS)
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